How to Manage Asphalt Poxing (Dust Ball) Defects

Asphalt poxing defects (otherwise known as "dust balls") occur when balls of bitumen coated dust form during the manufacturing processes or paving processes. These defects can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

a) Moisture induced clumps of fine aggregates whilst in storage, and hardened during the plant batching process.

b) Running the plant aggregate feeds on bypass with insufficient pre-screening.

c) Poor compaction of the asphalt during construction, consequentially 'exploding' under traffic once pavements cools.

d) Potentially other foreign materials such as dirt finding their way into the asphalt paving process.

c) Presence of certain types of aggregates in the asphalt design mix, for example open grade OG asphalt has negligable fine aggregates, compared to Dense Grade and EME asphalt designs.

To manage asphalt dust ball defects, the following steps can be taken:

Note that it is important to work through any poxing defects with your pavement supplier and your technical resources, who can help you assess the specific issues and develop a plan to manage the dust ball defects with client knowledge.

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