Apartments & Basement Structures

Engineering for Apartments

There are several reasons why it is important to engage a quality engineer for apartment complexes. This is where eCOAST Engineering shines:

Basements & Carparks

Structural engineers are trained to understand the forces at work on a structure and to design buildings that can safely support those forces. This includes designing the foundation of a building, which is often a basement. 

Because of their training and expertise, structural engineers are well-equipped to design basements that can safely support the weight of a building and any other loads that may be placed on it. Design specifications for drainage and waterproofing is also best documented on the civil and structural drawings to ensure the Principal Contractors include what's necessary during construction.

Not every building comes with a basement. This is often because additional design elements, construction time and monetary costs are involved. At eCOAST Engineering, we boast years of experience with basement design solutions for improved performance or maintenance for your new or existing property. Whether you want a single basement for a boutique building use or basements to maximum apartment building utility, we can design and draft sustainable and cost-effective proposals and reports to turn ideas into reality.

Basement Design | eCoast Engineering

Concrete or Blockwork Basements

There are several processes involved in residential and commercial basement construction, with either blockwork or concrete, all of which are covered by our services including:

Carpark Turnpaths & Access Requirements

To ensure that transport needs, including car parking and service vehicle requirements, associated with the development of land is met by:

Key objectives also include:

a) the availability of car park opportunities that are easy to locate and manoeuvre/use, with on-site provisions for occupants, public car parks available for visitors, and on-street provision.

b) the effective use of all car park infrastructure provided in the planning scheme; and

c) streets that are pedestrian and cyclist friendly, and these days EV friendly for charging. 

Vehicle turn path templates plot vehicle wheelpaths and traced paths by relevant points on the vehicle or load. They show the swept path envelope resulting from various angles of turn at a particular radius that need to be considered with any basement, commercial or apartment carpark layout.

Turnpaths | eCoast Engineering

Multi-Storey Basements Must be Kept Dry

For new construction there are several considerations to ensure water ingress does not occur in basements.

In particular:

Retractable flood Gates are becoming more popular to coastal areas also.

Waterproof Systems

Damp proof membranes can help keep ground moisture out, which may enter via gaps, penetrations, cracks, joints in sheeting and holes. But not liquid water under pressure such as during major storm events.

Whereas, waterproofing keeps out both liquid water under head AND moisture. A quality waterproofing system is an important part of the structural design in order to stop water moisture and prevent water vapor from entering overland or below ground structures. 

This is important as detailed waterproofing systems and good groundwater and stormwater management is vital, with risks best managed as early as possible during design. Upfront cost for waterproofing is significantly less during design and construction, compared to retrofitting waterproof systems from inside basements later with less effective and more expensive negative waterproofing systems. 

eCOAST Engineering in Sunshine Coast, Queensland is an excellent choice for professional basement design and apartment construction services. Contact us today for more details by calling 0431 654 005 or submitting an enquiry online.

Concrete Buildings | eCoast Engineering