Structural Engineerimng Industrial Buildings

Industrial & Commercial Buildings and Sheds

We provide complete Industrial and Commercial planning and design for all types of steel framed portal buildings including restaurants, concrete batch plants, steel fabrication sheds, fuel station canopies, open framed shopping centers, retail stores and mezzanine office buildings.

Our meticulous structural modelling and detailing guarantees your peace of mind, low cost, innovative design and the best material selection for your project. We coordinate your custom design step by step with all other design disciplines and help contractors to erect industrial and commercial building projects efficiently.

Structural Engineer Portal Frame Shed - eCoast Engineering

Industrial Buildings and Warehouses

Heavy industrial and warehouse design sites are unique and require a special understanding and awareness of the systems and processes in site operation. The high load demands placed on structures can be extreme from industrial facilities, and it takes a structural engineer with a broad understanding of engineering principles to successfully design for these demands. 

Our structural engineers have worked with teams of other electrical, piping engineers, and mechanical to design industrial, plant growing, processing and mining market facilities. Our structural designs have included 

Commercial Buildings and Custom Barns

As a Commercial design firm, we design both industrial and commercial buildings efficiently to achieve your desired objectives. We research the local supply, efficient assemblies and make recommendations based on the construction cost, appearance, useful life, and maintenance costs to extend the durable lifespan of buildings. Our value Engineering services include:

The result is a state of the art Commercial Building Design that meets your construction and operating budgets.

 Factors that often influence Commercial building performance include:

1. Efficient site drainage and waterproofing.

2. Durability of materials and protective coating systems.

3. Serviceability load ratings on structural elements and foundation systems.

4. Flexibility and cost rationisation for future customisation and fitout, including overhead gantry cranes!

Have an dream to build a custom Barn, Warehouse or Shed for commercial use? Or enormous Industrial Space to do what you want?

Please call eCOAST Engineering in Sunshine Coast, Queensland to have a preliminary discussions about your industrial and commercial engineering project with responsive assistance by our experts.

Structural Engineer Industrial Design - eCoast Engineering
Structural Engineer Industrial Framing - eCoast Engineering